Arno Babajanyan

1.  In general, I am a communicative person. They say: it is difficult to get through fire, water and copper pipes. I went through everything. And copper pipes too. There was such a time … But I always remained myself. 2. And, of course, I simply cannot imagine myself  without Armenia. She is in everything, … Read more

Arno Babajanyan

1. With Robert Rozhdestvensky 2. During the work, the father first created a melody, and then poems were composed to this music. Robert Ivanovich was a very musical person, he played the piano perfectly. His father played a melody to him, recorded it on tape as needed, invented a “fish”, after which the poet began … Read more

Arno Babajanyan

1. With Dmitry Shostakovich 2. With Mstislav Rostropovich 3. Arno Arutyunovich Babajanyan is a famous Soviet musician. He is endowed with great composer talent. His pianistic skills are worthy of the highest praise. He is a musician with a comprehensive and thorough education. Dmitry SHOSTAKOVICH 4. A brilliant composer, a brilliant pianist, a beloved neighbor … Read more

Arno Babajanyan

1. What does “songwriter” mean? There is no such thing in nature and cannot be. A composer must write any music. Sometimes he will write a bad sonata, but he can create a good song. 2. The sun has risen and you are in a wonderful mood. And suddenly a melody comes on.

Arno Babajanyan

1. Arno Babajanyan was endowed with a rare melodic gift. The highest professional, he was able to find exquisite harmonies, bright relief intonations in the simplest song. Having a good sense of modernity, Babaյanyan did not worship fashion, but forced it, fashion, to serve his art, decorating his own, Babadzhanyan’s melodic finds with modern rhythms. … Read more